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Welcome to the ITBN website!

We call it a platform because it's more than a website. An ITBN event is more than a series of presentations.
And we love to prove it:

In the last 20 years:

It all started when representatives of the local IT industry decided in 2004 to create an independent professional forum. The objective: to represent the interests of all market players and users. Hence the birth of the IT Security Day, or ITBN as everyone knows it today.

  • Info/Cybersec: after 2005, cybersecurity and, after 2017, AI issues are also highlighted.
  • Trends: we are always looking for the latest and hottest topics
  • Buzz & Networking: everyone in cybersecurity is watching us, and more and more in marketing, business decision making, and HR

We also cover the topics in our own podcasts, TV and radio shows , and our independent experts are regularly interviewed in the media.

Explore our features, and find out what we have for you! And when your boss asks you what you're so preoccupied with, just show them our page, and he'll understand!